If you have any question or suggestion about the software, please feel free to contact us via email, or use our online support system.
Password Door is not a freeware, the trial version you downloaded on our website or other download sites, is for evaluation purpose. If it is useful to you, please purchase the software.
Purchase Password Door:
When you purchase the software on our website, the discounts will apply to multiple licenses and special licenses, for detail information:
Your registration code will be created and sent to you via email immediately, after you place an order.
The registration code is for registering the trial version to convert it to paid version. You don't need to download a different copy, the trial version will become paid version after you entered the registration to it.
To register the software, click Register on the main window of Password Door, and then copy and paste your registration name and code to the input boxes, click OK to activate the registration.
If you can not find the button Register
on the main window, the software has already been registered. You can click About Password Door
to review current registration name.
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